16000 Tagalog English Translations

NEW! Over 16,000 Tagalog-English Translations!!
If you are learning Tagalog you may find this list very helpful. This list helped me learn Tagalog. I used other methods too of course, but I spent a lot of time looking for patterns in this huge list of Tagalog to English translations.

You can find this site again easily by simply typing in “Learn Tagalog” in Google or another search engine. You should see this site listed.

You can use the following form to to search this huge list or just browse.  Enter a Tagalog or English word in the search box and you will quickly be provided with Tagalog to English translations that use that word. All these Tagalog to English translations have been verified as accurate by a native Tagalog speaker.

For an exact match of a sentence (ex: Mahal kita) simply type in what you are looking for and check the “Exact search” checkbox. Then when you click the submit button, the search will return any sentences that say “Mahal kita” (which means “I love you”).

Exact search

Clear the form to display all records again.

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